Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The Wild West ... in leather

This is my second finish from my to-do list for January...2 more to go.

An all leather quilt...except for back and binding. All blocks except the two gray ones are machine embroidered. Size is 28" wide and 27.5" high.


You can treat leather exactly like fabric...even in the pinning. you just have to pin in the seams or on the edges.

pin seam.jpg

pin edge.jpg

The embroidery machine does a pretty good job on the leather. if it is a thin and stretchy leather, i learned to fuse a piece of stabilizer behind it.



I found a picture of cactus and manipulated it to fit in the space...almost.



The cowboy on the horse is an applique done on the embroidery machine

yeehaw applique.jpg

hat and horns.jpg


The gray blocks were fillers to make things fit. 


Git er done.jpg

Back was a red with dots from the stash. I had been saving this for years....i guess i was saving it for this. haha


Threads were, red, 3 different browns, silver, cream and white. Bobbin was So Fine gray


This quilted up so easily and gave me no problems. Well, that gray leather is a bit thicker and harder to manipulate. doing the SID around those sashings was a bit challenging. you will see a few boo-boos here and there.

But it was fun. I keep telling you....try leather. ... you might like it.

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