Saturday, February 25, 2017

Five Table Runners

When I quilted the Cat quilt (previous post), I loaded a long piece of backing and quilted all of these right after the Cat quilt. So, all have the same backing....a yardage the color of muslin....and all have the same thread colors....Glide Gold for the top and Bottom Line beige for the back.

Quilting everything together makes it all go least it seems that way. And I got all of these out of the to-be-quilted cabinet. At a retreat a couple years ago, I learned this method and went a little crazy in the practice of it. I'll probably never make any again, but I had fun making these.

Leaves...13 x 27 1/2"  Quilted with CC and Xs in the border.


leaves back.jpg

Daisies   12 1/2 x 21" (tip to tip)  Quilted with feathers...i think they look better on the back than on the front


daisies back.jpg

Floral, red and blue  12 1/2 x 28"   Quilted circles and spiderweb

blue floral.jpg

blue floral back.jpg

Red and Black  12 1/2 x 28"   Quilted SID

red and black.jpg

red and black back.jpg

And, Cats   12 1/2 x 21"   More leftover cats.  quilted SID and around cats, and some lines in the border.


cats back.jpg

OK...I am over table runners.  There were so many times I thought about just throwing these in the thrift store box....but i guess i'm glad i finished them. But, I never use table runners, so they will be sold.

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