Monday, April 10, 2017

Grandma's Country Album I .. Robert Callaham

Yet another Robert Callaham pattern. the third, I think, ...and, the last, i hope. haha

I finished piecing this on February 23, 2014 and it finally came up in the quilting line. Most blocks are applique, with his signature hundreds of tiny squares for sashings. I quilted Xs in them this time.

I was about finishing up the border and thought....i better look to see if i missed anything. sure enough, there was a small block unquilted.  then i went back and looked again....and found another spot that i missed going around something.  let's look one more time....this time i added a bit more to something that i thought needed it.  ok..done...finished....if you see something i missed...i don't care. haha


All blocks had SID, with sometimes a line in a leaf or into a flower. 

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I tried for different background stitching in each block

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It started out at 70" square and became 69" .... or a bit the end.

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Back was a muslin

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Don't look too close. i am not that particular any more about hitting the exact right spot. 

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Top thread was Glide cork and bobbin was Bottom Line oatmeal


This was the first thing i got quilted in April. compared to March, i am quite the slacker this month. but i have been piecing tops like crazy....5 for the month so far. haha   But i did have to piece together the rest of my UFO challenge quilt for the month....and it's up next. hopefully, i can finish it by the end of the month.

1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful work and so much detail! I'm very impressed with all of your work.


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