Sunday, April 23, 2017


This is the last quilt that my friend Mary designed and taught us before she retired, last year. she was big into Civil War, so she named her quilts after battles and such. she is pretty traditional, so don't know what she might think of how i quilted this one. 

I am leaving town on Thursday for the rest of the month, and this is my April UFO challenge quilt, so happy i got it finished in time. it is 80" square. I decided to do things a bit differently than i usually do on this one. 

When it was hanging and i was looking at it, i just kept seeing lines coming out from that center star. so, for the first time, i marked a quilt before loading it. Most of it was quilted with light blue.




I did different things in a few stars. Once i pieced one of the corner stars, i realized the middle was too fat with all the seams coming together....that is the star that is quilted with the circle in the middle. haha   so, the other 3 corners got a different star. 


I used white for the background in the star blocks

stars 2.jpg

I totally ignored that the border was a busy print. i wanted to do Jamie Wallen's flying geese again, so they went there. I used yellow for them and quilted over them a few times so they would show up better. 

The corners of the borders got radiating i did around the center star.


border 2.jpg

Sometimes the quilting doesn't show as much on the front, but it definitely shows on the back. the back is a dark navy, but the camera flash makes it look lighter. i really like the back. i used a So Fine orchid on the back but it looks almost white.


back center.jpg

back corner.jpg

back stars.jpg

I didn't quilt as much as i would have liked in April....only 2...but i did piece a bunch of stuff, so i'm ok with April's progress.  the month of May might have to be leather month. haha

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