Wednesday, May 31, 2017

May UFO Challenge Results

Well, May didn't turn out as i wanted it to. the number for May was 11...which was an embroidery UFO for me. My embroidery machine was in the shop. when it finally came back, i did one block...then my machine was acting, i took it back in. it is not back yet.

So, i substituted a quilting UFO and quilted Birch Trees.

I also quilted Heartbeat

I finished up some piecing projects also.

I call this I Get the Blues Sometimes at Night. i made one similar to it last year.

Jacob's Ladder

Trims and Zippers

Art Square.  This is 48" square. Someone showed something similar on MQR and i had to try it. I think i will applique a leather scene over it...not sure yet. open to suggestions.

And I embroidered my block for May from Buttermilk Basin.

I also embroidered the Ricky Tims block for May but can't find my pic.

I have a few new projects in the 'partially done' stages.

These are red selvage baskets....inspired by Anita Shackelford's rescue project

And Split Personality....6 more blocks to piece

And i am working on a blue and green selvage woven quilt. and finished 3 blocks of a Christmas quilt from Indigo Junction.

So, even though the month didn't go as planned, i got some stuff done. hopefully, i can get my embroidery machine back soon so i can knock out some of those embroidery UFOs.

How did your month go?


  1. Oh my, you certainly have been busy! I cannot believe how much you got done. Great job!

  2. Wow! Some stuff done?! I'd say that you've accomplished a lot! Congrats!

  3. That is an amazing amount of stuff to get done!


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