Monday, June 5, 2017

Anita's Baskets

I've got to name this quilt after Anita was her idea that i found on her quilt rescue site. she rescued an old quilt and cut the strip blocks in half diagonally and made baskets. i liked the idea, so i made my own.

I had several red selvage blocks left over from another quilt, so i made a few more and this quilt was born.

The blocks are 9"...set on point.  the top half of the blocks are old feed sacks. .... in several shades of white and off-white

My plan is to machine embroider some flowers in the baskets before quilting. I think i will use simple flowers and red will look like redwork.

Good thing there are no fabric police. my borders are two different fabrics. the border fabrics came from my friend Sharon's stash that came to live with me with she moved to Texas. most pieces were small...but there was a bit of yardage. i didn't have enough of one paisley fabric, so i added a second and made the corners different from the middles. you have to be looking for it to see it.

Don't know when it will get will go to live in the to-be-quilted cabinet for a while. my embroidery machine is still in the shop.....for the last 6 weeks.....but, hopefully i will have it back tomorrow.  after catching up on a few embroidery projects, this might come out and get the flowers embroidered in the baskets.

1 comment:

  1. This will look nice with red embroidered flowers in the basket.


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