Tuesday, July 25, 2017

X Box

Another scrappy one....with some selvages.  Finished piecing on November 13, 2014....took 3 years to get it quilted. I saw the design somewhere, but didn't write down where i saw it. her background squares were yellow.
I used brown for my squares and the Xs are made with selvages.
It is 64 x 80"
Binding is pieces of brown bindings from other quilts, to stay in the scrappy mode. I quilted lines in the border, following the lines in the fabric, quilting every 3rd line.
It was easy to find a path across the rows and back.  Start at upper left corner...go to middle...do swirls .... go from middle to upper right....continue across the row. come back the other way, sewing through the bottom half of the X. quick and easy.
For the back i pieced together 4 different brown fabrics that were in the stash.
Thread was Glide Chocolate for the top and Bottom Line Taupe for the bobbin.
Now, off to start the next one.

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