Monday, August 28, 2017

My Sister's Hearts ... twice

This is my sister's quilt. She used up all of her plaids, i think.  she wanted it quilted with hearts so it could be the companion piece to her last quilt that i put hearts on. it is about 82" square. That border is really stretchy and might need to be trimmed up some. flannel plaids seem to stretch a lot.


It went pretty quickly...5 hours. I stitched across the bottom of the block...inserted the heart....went up and back down the seam between the blocks....and continued across the row. I did the borders as i came to the end of the row. kept on going back and forth until i ran out of bobbin thread. took 9 bobbins.


I quilted a little surprise in there for her....i'll see how long it takes her to find it. haha

Border was large meander with some hearts thrown in.


Back was this


Top thread was Glide dark green....bobbin was Superior Highlights Red


I will probably deliver it on Thursday. She is working on something else, so i might be bringing another one back home to quilt.

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