Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Selvages with flanges

Here's a new selvage idea for you to try. It all started with a few left over zipper blocks.


I had lots of left over pieces of binding. as you probably already guessed, i don't throw much away. haha  i added a piece of binding to 2 sides of each block, turning in the corners so they could stay free.


Then i pieced the blocks together alternating the sides with the binding flange.


Some blocks got the same color flange as the block...some not.
This is what i ended up with.


I added flanges to the outside rows of the blocks that didn't have any. i don't think i will put a border on this one. the blocks are 8" about 48 x 56  some blocks are diagonal and some are straight.
I put the selvages on a base fabric...which makes the quilt a bit heavy, but easier to sew the selvages together. in case you were is what the back looks like before i quilt it.  i use anything for the base that i wouldn't want to use elsewhere. 


Then....while i was piecing this one.....i got another idea. 

So, this morning i made 2 blocks to try out my idea. the middle of the first block got ripped apart 3 times before i got it the way i wanted it. this time there are strip blocks with selvage flange down the middle. The flange on this block was cut 3/4" and it's a bit wider than the rest will be...but i just couldn't rip it out a 4th time. haha


the middles will be cut 2" red and white dots, with selvage flange on each side...cut 5/8".  the strips on the blocks are cut 1 1/2" ... occasionally a bit narrower.


 i'll be using all reds. And, yes, i know i am setting myself up for a quilting headache....but it seemed like such a cool idea. LOL


Now, i hope those other new ideas stay in the back of my brain, so i can get back to flea market craziness.....i only have today and tomorrow. the good thing is....hubby is going out tonight to a music deal, so i don't have to cook and can stay in the studio half the night. haha 

Think good thoughts for me.

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