Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Two more fish

These are the same fish panels as the last ones...except on these i did a panto...that i think looks like seaweed. it's called Pollyanna by Anne Bright.  the fish are about 17 x 18"....and have a hanging sleeve. 



Back is from the stash. still have to sew down the sleeve. i loaded them both side by whole pass with the panto in the middle and then a partial top and bottom. done!!


Top thread was Glide dark green; bobbin was So Fine brown


I believe I am now finished with the flea market craziness.  Tomorrow will be typing up my inventory, making sure everything has a price tag on it, and packing things up. That will probably take most of my day.

It's been fun but i haven't quilted this much at one time in a loooonnng time. hahaha

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