Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I Get the Blues at Night Sometimes

This one is mine!!  haha    I made it for my room at my sister's house...the Beast.  She is painting the walls blue. All selvages...naturally. it is 90 x 106. I just did a large meander all over it. nothing would show anyway. ... and i wanted to take it with me with I leave on Friday. the nights are getting chilly now. 





Back is a pretty flannel that I scored at JoAnns at their huge flannel sale. I had just enough...about 4 inches left over. 


Since it is mine, i used up scraps for binding from other projects. some blues, some pinks, a green and a couple purple. works for me. 


Now, i guess i can rest for a day. i leave on Friday for the flea market on Saturday and Sunday.

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