Thursday, September 28, 2017

I made some bags

I thought bags might sell at the flea i have made a few. what i have so far....

This used to be a green AQS bag... now it is a brown and blue pinwheel bag. The pinwheel blocks came from my friend Mary...the rest from the stash.


I took the bag apart...covered it...and put it back together....with some stitching to hold it all in place. Other side looks the same as the front.


Inside is a brown and white print. 


This one i used a pattern I had...and fabrics from the stash..The best part i like is the Blah, Blah, Blah fabric. haha  other side is the same as the front.


Inside is orange and polka dot blue


You know there had to be a selvage one...another bag I had on hand used for the base. Other side is the same as the front.


Inside is an apple print.


I had the bird and flowers from my friend Sharon...already cut out and fusible attached...bird is sitting on a silk ribbon branch. Other side is just the pink bird.


I think this will make a good gift bag. I used a thick paper bag....think dog food bag type. not my favorite base.


Inside is a purple print


And then, there had to be a leather one, too. Other side is just plain black leather. 


Leather from my stash...handles saved from another bag that i took apart. And, i made fringe. 


Boots from this Wild West panel that I found at JoAnns. the inside was this fabric, too.


I think i shall make more....the ideas are churning. haha

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