Sunday, September 10, 2017

Square in a Square in a Square

This was so much fun to piece...i finished it this last July....that i just had to quilt it up. It will be hanging at the flea market this weekend to encourage folks to come and look. i think it might draw a crowd.
I cross hatched all the dark squares....2 days of quilting for that. and played in the light squares. 18 hours of quilting all together. it is 96" square....seemed like a lot more. haha


The quilting is hard to see until you get close to it



The small points around the center were all quilted the same.


The larger areas around the outside were all quilted differently. I used my Quiltazoid and just played....deciding as i went along.


The designs are rather labor intensive. you quilt one little arc....move the machine....quilt another arc....more the machine, etc, etc...all around until you get the design finished. then do it all over again for the second round....and the third. you get the idea.




The back is a muslin. the quilting shows here much better.


Here are those small inside light triangles.


And a couple of the larger ones.



Thread for the top was Glide Ruby and Silver; bobbin was Bottom Line Cream


This was a 5 day job....i'm happy to have it finished. I have a couple more i want to do before Friday when I have to leave. wish me luck.

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