Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Over the River and Through the Woods

This lovely quilt was pieced by my friend, Carole, and she has waited several months for me to get it finished for her. It is 52x56"  I started and did about 6 or 7 geese in the corner....and realized the tension was all off.....arrrggghhh!!....ripping.  after ripping, i decided to try again the next day. tightened up the tension and off we went....perfectly. i hate when that happens. 


I used Glide white for the pictures


I just went around some things to hold everything together


And did some swirlies



I used Glide Chestnut for the rest...mostly SID...some curves inside the blocks


SID, curves and a squiggly thing in the geese.


The back doesn't show anything. So Fine light brown thread matched perfectly.


I'll get it back in the mail to Carole on Monday and she'll have it ready to hang by Christmas.

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