Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Red, white and blue stars

My sister pieced this top and I quilted it for her. She has a red, white and blue theme going on her stairway and I THINK this one is going to hang over the banister upstairs....or it might hang on the wall...not sure.

It is 75" square


All the blue blocks got beige stars


And the red blocks got white stars. I like the way she reversed the stitching colors on the stars for the different blocks.  I was half way through quilting it before I noticed that. haha   I am bad about noticing things. 


I used a panto called Velvet Queen by Beany Girl Quilts


The back is a paisley.....the thread matches, so the quilting doesn't really show.


Top got Glide Ruby thread; bobbin was Bottom Line Cream.

It will get delivered next week....after hunting season is over. 

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