Thursday, December 7, 2017

2018 UFO Challenge with Judy

It's that time of year again.....time to make my list of what I hope to accomplish in 2018. Judy Laquidara is graciously hosting her UFO Challenge once again. Rather than just number quilt tops from 1 through 12, i'm going to try something different this year. The to-be-quilted cabinet is stuffed full of about 75 or 80 tops ready to be quilted.

I'm going to take Judy's number each month and count off that many tops...and do that one. for instance, if January's number is 10...i shall count down to number 10 on the shelf and that is the victim for that month. but, to make things interesting, if February's number is 3, then i count 3 twice, and use that top. If March's number is 11, then I count 11 three times and do that one. got it?

I also have my UFO boxes numbered from 1 through 12 and will pick one of those, also, for the month. These boxes have all the pieces cut out, they just need to be assembled.

And, to be even a bit more crazy, I have 12 embroidery projects numbered 1 through 12 also.

So, each month I will quilt a top, assemble a UFO, and embroider a project. Of course, that only puts me further behind. For every top that i quilt out of the to-be-quilted cabinet, 2 more projects will be in there to take its place. But....if i also actually quilt the UFO that I piece.....and quilt the embroidery project, then I will be ahead.

We'll see how that works out.

This year I actually didn't make a couple months on my list. One project just got thrown out...and another was substituted for something else. I guess I might as well resign myself to the fact that I will die without ever emptying out the to-be-quilted cabinet. If you hear of my death, please come and rescue a few tops from the cabinet and quilt them in my honor....ok?  hahahaha


  1. Sounds like a good plan to get through your UFOs

  2. That is ambitious! I will be working on more than one a month too.
    I normally quilt the tops when i get them done, so that help lots. :)

  3. Haha, Shirley! I'll make a "quilt a couple of my tops for me if I die" pact with you. :D I've got a closet stuffed full of them, too. I'm hoping to move through 18 of them this year. Sounds like we work in similar fashions. I, too, have a substantial collection of UFOs that are cut out and shoe-boxed, waiting for their turn at a monthly side-project attention spot.


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