Sunday, December 31, 2017

Done with 2017

Well, we are all finished with 2017. It wasn't a bad year.....i got a year older....but i'm still alive. haha

I emptied 100 spools of thread this year......better than 2016, which was 79

By the end of September, I had emptied 74. I put them in a large bowl as they are emptied and when the bowl is full, I count and record.

And finished the year with 26 more

I've been trying to come up with a cool project for these spools. I have boxes of wooden spools at the Duck. I am thinking I will glue them to a door. I have a door that goes from the front entryway into the living room that won't be used much. I am thinking I will glue the spools to the door and then spray paint them. it will make for an interesting textured door. Have to play with the idea some and see how it might work. A Spring project.

I quilted 106 things....most of them quilts....some table runners.

I made 2 jackets

I made 16 bags

I tried not to buy any new fabric....but I did sneak in some yardage.

My friend, Sharon, moved to Texas and I got a LOT of her fabric......bags and bags of scraps. I have cut out many, many quilts and they are in boxes, awaiting piecing.... at least 25 quilts.

Here's to a brand new year....and the hope, once again, of quilting more and buying less. haha

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