Monday, December 4, 2017

Life is not All Black and White

This one took a chunk out of the white and black selvage bins. The circles are leather....and represent the things that happen in your life. Big circles for major events...marriage, childbirth, ace job, retirement....the little circles and other things that happen....sickness, job change, more children, moving, job promotion....all those things in life.

When the circles are on a sashing....that is a point where you must choose which path to take.

It is 68" square. I know how i want to quilt it, so it might be quilted quickly rather than languishing in the to-be-quilted cabinet for years. Or not...who knows. haha

And you always need a dog...right?

And chocolate...what is life without chocolate.

A close up

Multiple layers make selvage quilts heavier than normal.

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