Friday, December 29, 2017

Selvages with Flanges

I got bored doing regular selvage blocks and can i kick it up a notch.....flanges!!    yes, i'll do flanges.  where are my friends when i have these wild talk me down.  well, i only broke 1 needle quilting this one. haha


It is 45x60" and will be a veterans donation. i hope i don't give someone nightmares. It only waited 4 months to be quilted.


It quilted up much quicker than i thought it would. i went around the block and circled in and back out and on to the next....across the row.


There were 3 zipper blocks left over from another project, so they got included.


Inside the zippers is a surprise....this one has pink lace.


Backing is my wild tree fabric. there is only about a yard left of this, so you won't be seeing it much least not as a back. I used it as the binding also.  When i trimmed it, there was enough to make the binding, so figured i might as well use it for that instead of throwing it in the scrap box. 


Top thread was Glide Bark; bobbin was So Fine Taupe

2 days left in the year.....2 more possible veterans quilts. 

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