Tuesday, February 20, 2018

5 More Doll Quilts for A Doll Like Me

Yesterday I got 5 more doll quilts finished for Amy at A Doll Like Me. the sixth was shorter than the others so couldn't be loaded on the longarm together with the rest. i'll do it separately tomorrow. 

These are so much fun....I'm going to continue and do more. 

First up we have the Beck Camping Lodge....panel created by Leslie Beck. I love that she named it after herself.


The blocks are about 8"...the perfect size to use 9 and make a doll quilt. I did cross hatching in the blocks. I started out with 1" and decided it was too small but didn't want to pick it out, so, the corners are 1" and the rest are 2". design decision all along...that's my story and i'm sticking to it. hahaha


Back is a flannel fishing print


Then I have the Country House


More 8" blocks. I stitched around the designs.


Back is a flannel floral. say that fast 5 times. hahahah


This house block was pieced by my friend, Sharon. They got clamshells on them....simply because it was loaded with the mini geishas and i used it there. haha  i'm all about efficiency....and i'm a bit lazy.  i'm ok with that.


Back is a flannel cat print


I have some yardage of these mini geishas....just the perfect size. i didn't even have to cut the blocks out separately, just cut 9 of them off.


I used my large clamshell boards on this one.


Back is a pink and purple flannel.


And, last, I have Pine Creek Lodge


Once again, the perfect size blocks. I did wavy lines in the blocks, alternating vertical and horizontal.


The flannel fish fabric comes in handy for these backs.


I have an eye doctor appointment in a couple hours so I am done for today, but can't wait to get back and start the next batch.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! You are one productive quilter! I love the flannel backings - these will be such cozy doll quilts. Also, those tiny Geisha girls. Adorable. Thank you so much Shirley. Have a wonderful day!!


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