Friday, March 23, 2018

I Spy

My cousin has 5 children, 4 of them are married, 3 of them have children. She has 6 grandchildren (two sets of twins) all under the age of 3. She babysits for a set of twins every day. You might want to offer up a silent prayer for her. haha

Anyway, I was a bit behind in getting quilts to the babies, so I have 2 in the works. But, I decided she needed a quilt or two at her house to play with the babies when they come to visit.

So, I scrounged around and found enough bits and pieces to make an I Spy. It will be quilted as soon as i get the two new baby quilts finished.

The blocks got a border of dotted fabrics.

Lots of colors, so should keep a child's interest.

About half of the blocks have a 4" center and one border of dots

And some have smaller pics and have a couple of dotted borders

I had one little piece left...of some frogs....and decided to add bits and pieces of dots to make a long strip and it will go across the back...just a little surprise.

And I have an alphabet quilt i will send to her, too.  she is a former teacher so is all about teaching. these babies will know their alphabet and their numbers (in the I Spy) and colors.

And I used up more stash and had fun along the way.

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