Sunday, March 11, 2018

Past and Present

This is my piecing UFO #8 for the month of March.

This quilt is from a pattern called Past and Present, designed by Amy Walsh, found in the February 2008 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. She made hers square...10 rows by 10 rows....but i prefer rectangular, so mine is 10 rows by 12 rows. And hers is browns and blues and i used browns and neutrals and hand dyed pinks for the little squares. Hers is 60" square...mine about 60x72.  Otherwise, it is exactly the same...hahahahaha

The pattern

The top

A couple close ups

Finished blocks are 6" square. It used quite a bit of leftover fabrics I had in the stash. It will get quilted someday....after marinating in the to-be-quilted cabinet. That cabinet is getting almost too full to close the doors...I better quilt more and piece less. haha

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