Thursday, March 29, 2018

Welcome to the North Pole

I felt the need to start even one more project....a Christmas project no less.   I have had this book sitting on my desk for several months.....just waiting till I HAD to do it. haha

I think I found this book at a book sale somewhere.....i've had it for a while.

There are 16 blocks in all.....I've fused half of them so far.

Welcome to the North Pole.  See that white piece pinned to the top right?.....that is going to be the sign that says Welcome that hangs from the post. I need to find a pen with a very fine tip to make all the signs for the shops. I figured I better try and make the sign before I fuse it in I don't screw it up.  And there will be buttons and embellishments, too.

This is the Bakery. all the pieces pinned to the tops are the signs to be made.

The Marble Shop

Slick's Sleds

Stars at Night

From left, Hats and Mittens store, Candy Cane Factory, Toy Store

Reindeer and trees. Some of these pieces are T.I.N.Y.....this block is 6"

From left...Deliha's Doll House and Toms Cars and Trucks

All the background fabrics will be the same navy blue....and the snow will all be same if i have enough....hopefully. haha

It will be 40x52" when finished. It will be colorful and wild.

Sorry for the lousy picture taking ability sucks.

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