Thursday, April 19, 2018

New England Sampler

After taking this off the frame to do a quilt for a friend, i got it back on and finished it. It has taken weeks. glad it's finished.

You know how sometimes you like a quilt ok when you are piecing it, then really like it after it is quilted....well, i liked this better while piecing than after it is quilted. wonder why that is. i guess i was just tired of it. but, done is good. i seem to be in a quilting slump these days. but if i don't get them finished, i will be buried with hundreds of quilt tops. haha

It is 52x63"


I stitched over all the applique to make sure it stayed was only fused and not hand sewn down.


Quilted a bit of this and that


I think I like the border with the flowers the best





The back is a dark purple tiny flower print. I have almost used all of this up....hurray!!   haha


Quilted with Glide Peach and Bottom Line tan for the bobbin.

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