Saturday, June 2, 2018

May UFO Challenge...#12

May was not a productive month, challenge wise. Judy pulled #12.

I did get my Midnight top quilted.

And that is all that got quilted in May. well, except for 6 doll quilts for Amy at A Doll Like Me.  I still have more to do for her. just didn't happen in May.

I got no embroidery projects finished. I got a few blocks done on the Mylar in the Tropics, then the machine crapped out and it was in the shop the rest of the month. It is now back home and i am working it to death. haha

I did a fish...

A seahorse///

And, a turtle

My piecing project #12 was Jazz.  it did get pieced. I had a panel with the people and a bunch of HSTs that seemed like a good match.

And, that is all i have to report.  sad, i know.

I am still working on my fusible rooster project. i still have about half of a vine to finish on it. the whole vine had 336 pieces....some of them very small. i'll be happy to have it finished. but, after fusing the rest of the vine, i still have a couple borders to put on it.

I did cut out the pieces for the first block of the next McKenna Ryan quilt, Beach Walk. but that's as far as that got.

We have had rain and storms most of May....and no internet....or tv sometimes....or electric a couple times. May has been a challenge.

I'm happy to be in June.

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