Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Merry Mayhem Mystery Quilt #136

My goodness, where does the time go. This quilt was started in January, 2014....and i finally finished piecing it in April, 2015. now...three years later....it finally gets quilted. i am sooo slow. haha   It's a Merry Mayhem mystery quilt...i've done several of hers over the years. 


Lots of purple and red scraps. It's 62x74



Panto is Star Swirl


Binding was some green and some brown pieces...leftovers. 


The old question...is a quilt or is it a blanket. in this case, it is a quilted blanket....because i used a blanket found at a thrift store for the batting. most of my quilting these days has thrift store blankets and throws as batting.....much cheaper. it makes it a bit heavier, but that is not a bad thing. 

Thread was Glide Aqua for the top and Bottom Line Cream for the bobbin

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