Monday, July 9, 2018

Finger Puppets

I just spent a few days at my sisters....and got goodies.  she gave me a bag of her quilting scraps..... and a bag of little felt items that were finger puppets.  they were from an alphabet learning tool that she had as a teacher, many years ago. she said she figured i could do something with them....and I did.... i turned them into a quilt.

This quilt was pieced with the scraps that she gave me.

It is 39 x 46"   i was only going to put one thing in each square, but some of them were kind of small. after looking at all of them, i determined there were 2 for each letter. but, it took some thinking to 'get' some of them. for instance....that is an acorn...not just a nut.

I had taken one of my spare sewing machines with me, so i pieced this in a couple days while i was there. It took me a while to figure out this was a goat....i finally saw the beard and figured it out.

The pink and white checked fabric was some napkins that she gave me. The note was also a challenge for me. and was that an orange...or a peach.  i had to lay them all out to see what was what. 

Kids probably wouldn't have a problem with them at all....and i would feel like a dunce. haha

I wonder if kids figure these things out quicker than adults do. the yo-yo was a thinker, too.

I got the violin, although i think it could have been done better. it was only by the process of elimination that i got the vacuum. .....  and the zero.  sheesh!!

Although i didn't work on the project that i took down there to work on much....i only did 2 rows.... this little alphabet top was more fun.

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