Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Finger Puppet Alphabet quilt

I love having all these small tops ready to be quilted. it makes me look like i am really productive. hahaha 

but, truth be known, I am only quilting like crazy because my embroidery machine is in the shop. but, the to-be-quilted cabinet is getting some much needed attention.

When I was at my sister's in the summer, she gave me a trash bag full of her scraps that she didn't want. in there, i found a little bag of finger puppets. that same weekend, this quilt top was pieced. and the fabrics for the top came from that bag of scraps also.

It is about 40x45". I just sewed around everything.


a d e


b c f g h


i j n o 


k l m p q r 


s t u x y


v w z


Quilting was simple. binding is actually a piece from the stash instead of the usual leftovers. hahahaha


Backing is a flannel.  it is actually more purple and blue....my camera shows more pink.


It took me an ungodly amount of time to figure out those finger puppets. I was looking at them all and finally decided i could come up with enough for an alphabet quilt. 

then i had leftovers.....some of which i had no idea what they were.   just looking at them before i thought 'alphabet' ... i couldn't figure out the vacuum, violin, zero, yo-yo, gift, note, elf and goat. it took me a while to notice there were 2 of each letter. THEN i figured out what the rest of them were.  sheesh!!

Kids probably get the idea immediately. 

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