Wednesday, September 26, 2018


If you don't know about you might want to check them out. they have cute fabrics .... 4.99 per yard....and tons of bundles of FQs and half yards and more. And shipping is always $5.

That is where I got these fabrics. The fabric line is called Meow.... i believe by Riley Blake.

This started out as a jelly roll type quilt, but after 5 repeats, i realized it was longer than i wanted it to be, so rather than take some apart, i went to plan B and added some to the sides.

It is now 54x70 ... a good couch size.

There are about 6 or 8 different designs in this 5 or 6 different colors. they all are adorable.

I got a half yard bundle....then a couple days later, went back and got a FQ bundle, too. haha   I have enough leftovers that i might be able to piece a back...we'll see. i plan on binding it with plain black.

For now, it has to go live in the to-be-quilted cabinet.

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