Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Rainbow Quilt

This was another pattern from Vicki Welsh. She made several of these with her hand dyed fabrics. I used the last of my own hand dyed fabrics for mine and then used some commercial fabrics to finish it up. it is 64x70. I finished piecing it 2 years ago, almost to the day. 


I even cut brown and white striped fabric for binding instead of using leftovers. haha


Did CC in all the blocks. 


I had part of a wide back in the stash that was almost long i added about 5" to the end of it...and it worked out.


Vicki's is much better. she put on a border with triangles that were colored and with black background.  Here is hers:

I used Glide Key Lime for the top and Bottom Line Cream for the bobbins.

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