Saturday, September 1, 2018

UFO Challenge for August

Another month has flown by. I got a few things accomplished, but it never seems to be as much as I think it should be.

In the quilting world, I did quilt my UFO for the month...Jungle Cats. The fabric came from a shirt I made years ago and then got too fat to wear it, so it became a quilt. haha

I also quilted Good Vibrations. It was a free pattern from American Patchwork magazine.

And a modern art piece got quilted. Different fills for each color. I'm not too fond of it. I liked the one better that i got the inspiration from.

On the embroidery UFO side I finished my beige crazy quilt blocks. I used all blue thread for them. I started with a navy blue and used 2 other dark blues when I ran out of the navy.

I made 4 patches with the blocks and then made a giant 9 patch. Mainly the blocks just had decorative stitches on the seams. but there was this spider...

As usual, I pieced more tops than anything else. but, my UFO piecing project for the month did not get finished. I did about a dozen blocks but there are probably a dozen more to do. my bad.

I did piece...

...these crumb blocks with black borders

And some crumb blocks with brown borders.

And, finally finished the  Vicki's Arrows top. although I think i will add a border to it before quilting. I have been working on this for months.

And, when i was tired of quilts, i made a selvage jacket.

Most of my mornings and evenings have been spent doing yard work. clearing out brush and sticker bushes and pulling vines from trees and cleaning fence lines. so, i guess i should be happy i got this much done.

Hopefully, this month will be more productive....i can hope. haha

1 comment:

  1. My goodness, if this was a slow month, I'll fall over when you post a good month. Wow - you got a lot done. I'd like to know how much time you spend quilting a day. Congrats on all those quilted quilts - they look great. Love the jacket.


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