Sunday, September 30, 2018

UFO finishes for September

Well, my embroidery machine died early in the month....and is still in the, embroidery UFOs did not get completed. I was working on two...

Hola Mola ....

There are 3 different sizes of each and I am making them all.

I think these are so darn cute

And...lighthouses....which was my #4 that Judy picked.

I got these 4 blocks finished before it died.

But, since I didn't have an embroidery machine....a lot of quilting got done.

Birds of a Feather

2017 Buttermilk Basin BOM


Finger Puppets Alphabet

Crumb Blocks with brown borders

I Love U doll quilt

Kindred Creatures by Laurel Burch

McKenna Ryan's Home Tweet Home

Mitosis (this was my #4)...

Christmas Snow Globes table runner

Christmas Scenes

String Theory

The Rainbow Quilt

And, 4 doll quilts

And i did get a couple of tops pieced. This is Architectural Gem

And, Meow....different cat prints

And I cut out the parts for Misty. I saw this ad for the fabric line in a magazine and liked,

These are my borders and binding

And, these are the block pieces.

Now, I am anxiously awaiting the new number for October to see where that takes me. hope everyone had a great UFO quilting month. I actually have a bit of space in the to-be-quilted cabinet.

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