Friday, November 23, 2018

Cindy's Raggedy Flowers

This quilt was pieced by my sister...and I quilted it for her. It's full of colorful squares and some raggedy flowers thrown in for good measure. I'm not sure, but it looks like the flowers were done on an embroidery machine. and she raveled the edges to make them cuter.

I did some curvy CC in the blocks and went around the flowers.

Blue border got meander. green border with butterflies got cross hatching every second row of butterflies.

Yellow border got wavy piano keys. all 4 sides has a different green border, so they all got different designs. this one has ferns.

Back is a dark green print

Quilt is 83" square. Top thread was Glide Key Lime and bobbin was So Fine dark green.

Now, on to a Christmas present quilt. 

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