Monday, November 5, 2018

Purple Selvage Quilt for Mary

My cousin, Mary, was in the studio a couple weeks ago while I was piecing these blocks together....and I know she likes purple. she was admiring it, so I decided to gift it to her. I finished the binding on it today and it will go to her tomorrow. It's just under 90" square.

It is so hard to come up with a new pattern for these blocks. i finally decided to make a huge 4 patch ....with 4 patches. haha   it wasn't quite large enough, so i made a scrappy border. That used up just about all of my purple fabrics and purple selvages. I was determined to use all those purple selvages, so i just kept making blocks until i ran out. Even the binding was scrappy fact, i had to piece a part of the binding to have it wide enough.


There was not enough of the same purple fabric for the sashings, so they got scrappy, too.



I just happened to have a piece of muslin that was just about the right size. There were a few blocks left over, so they increased the length of the muslin and I was good to go.


The panto is called Contour. that is a pretty dense panto and took a few days to finish this. i had to talk myself into quilting on it after the first row. haha  I told myself I had to quilt 2 rows before I could turn that embroidery machine on. 


Top thread was Glide Orchid; bobbin was Bottom Line Statue.

Tomorrow, when Mary gets this, I'll be her favorite cousin. hahahaha


  1. Shirley, I often talk myself into continuing something when I get a bit bored with it. I do love a finished quilt, but usually 1/2 way through the quilting process I am itching to move on. This purple quilt is lovely and your friend is very lucky to be the recipient of it!

  2. I’ll bet you already are her favorite cousin! Sometimes I really have to push myself to finish what I’ve started, but sometimes, I’ve had enough, and it goes in the 'someday I’ll finish it' pile. This one is very pretty.


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