Thursday, November 1, 2018

UFO Challenges for October

Another month has come and gone....and here it is November already. I'm not's all too fast. October was pretty much a wash for me challenge wise. I didn't do too well.

I did get the quilt finished....Baltimore Brides quilt. the background is black's pretty but every little thread sticks to it.

I did get a few more things quilted...

Barb's Birds

A spider pillow top for my cousin

And Welcome to the North Pole. this one has lots of embellishments...that took me forever to finish.

My piecing project was the purple selvages. I did get it pieced and it is on the frame to be quilted. i only have an in progress pic at this point.

And i have the Pumpkins Gone Wild about 3/4 finished.

On the embroidery challenge, the Hola Mola blocks are still being worked on...

The lighthouse blocks got taken off the display wall and put back in a box for another time.

I did get a new CD called Funky Fish and made all 20 blocks. here are some of them. only the blocks are made so far.....on flannel background. i want some kind of water or fish fabric for the sashings and border.

I have been doing a lot of yard out brush and sticker bushes....and cleaning around dead trees so they can be taken down. right now we are on our 3rd day of rain, with a couple more days to go, so no yard work is getting done, either.

Hopefully, November will be better.

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