Monday, December 24, 2018

2 More Zipper Flowers

I finished up a couple more of these. It makes my brain hurt to try and do something out of the ordinary. haha

#4 This flower was from a Kumiko Sudo book on folder flowers. well, kind of. i tried following her instructions and got i winged it.

I like that i had aqua pieces to match for the flower and bottom section. the middle of the flower and bud got buttons.

#5  This one has leather curly strips. They were on a jacket that i had cut apart. I had to cut them out of the holes in the jacket and they stayed curled up.  I cut smaller strips and sewed them down and then glued a couple glittery things on to hide the sewing thread.

The bud is a round piece of leather that i covered in the pink curls and glued on a sparkly part and sewed it down.

That's 5 out of 12....almost half finished. It is going to be one wild wall hanging.

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