Friday, December 21, 2018

Country Sights

If you make the DIL a quilt for better make one for the son, also. haha    This one is his.


The first tan border says Wrangler on it...and this is the last of that piece of fabric.


I used a panto on this one...called Amaze Me


They are both couch size, but this one is a few inches wider.


Blocks done on the embroidery machine


Bindings for both are leftover pieces of browns....used all that up, too.


The back is pieced. I  have had this piece of cowboy and Indians fabric in the stash for some time now and decided this was a good place to use it. the first border is the same as the fabric on the front of the quilt....then muslin to make it large enough.


I think this is just perfect for my son. when he was young, he lived to play cowboys and Indians. I can still see him....about 4 years old....running around in an old pair of cut off blue jean shirt....his cowboy hat on his head....and his six shooters strapped around his waist. running around the yard with his dog....chasing Indians. hahahahaha


Ahhhhh, the good ole' days. 

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