Friday, December 7, 2018

Flannel Squares

I dug through the to-be-quilted cabinet and came up with a flannel top with guy kinds of pics on it....deer, wolf, bear, beaver, guy in canoe, etc. i pieced it back in january of this year.  i quilted it up with a large meander yesterday...took me an hour. haha it's a Christmas present for a 12 year old boy.

It is about 62x76"


It is all flannel. I cut 5" squares from a lot of leftover pieces of flannel that i had.


All the colored blocks have the same leaf design.


Even the sashings and cornerstones are flannel


There aren't any 'girly' colors, so i hope it works for him. 



The back is also flannel.


It is kind of heavy, but good for the cold weather we are having now. i hope he likes it and uses it. everyone needs a quilt for Christmas.

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