Friday, December 28, 2018

I Spy Flowers top finished

I had to sew this together twice.....when i got all 9 rows together, i discovered i had 5 of them going the wrong direction, so had to take it all apart and start over. i hate doing that, but it was a color block thing and i wanted it in the right orientation. maybe i'll learn. haha

It's 54 x 66

The border is a print from the Dick and Jane collection. i was looking in the stash for something with the primary colors in it and this is all i had.

I think it turned out pretty good.

I have enough of these hexies to make many more quilts.

I'm going to organize all the hexies and see how many different ones there are. i am thinking of making some kits and selling them. anyone interested in I Spy hexies....just let me know.

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