Saturday, December 29, 2018

It's so wrong!

This morning, while looking for a pair of socks in the sock drawer.....I find that mice have, once again, been into my sock drawer. I lost 6 pair of good wool socks...all chewed up for a nest. why can't they just chew up one pair instead of making holes in 6 pair. i gained 5 dead baby mice. that is just not right. 

I put mice poison out under the chest of drawers, and they bring it up into the sock drawer. why don't they eat it and die. they are laughing at me.

We have put out peppermint oil, which is supposed to repel mice. I have some right next to that chest of drawers.  

How do you keep mice out of your sock drawer?  I need to know. haha

Maybe I need to quit buying wool socks. 

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