Sunday, December 30, 2018

String Blocks with Maroon Borders

Since I just finished piecing this a couple of months ago, I'm sure you remember it. It's my 'quilt of the day'...and it was a challenge. I made myself stay at the studio all day to get it finished.


It is 77 x 85". As you can probably tell, I used leftover binding pieces...reds and browns.


I was picking threads off this thing the whole time i was quilting it. It had more threads than i have ever seen on a quilt top.



I used a panto called Blooming Feathers by Anne Bright. by now, you know where the back came from...right? in the pic it looks white, but it is a tan.


Top thread was Glide Ruby and bobbin was So Fine brown. The bobbin runs out on this pattern before you finish a row. I used 9+ bobbins. I hate to run out in the middle of a row, so, usually I use a new, full bobbin for each pass, but couldn't do it here.

I have decided tomorrow's 'quilt of the day' will be the 6 doll quilts that I have to quilt and send to Amy at A Doll Like Me.  I should have finished those last spring and they kept getting put down the list....but tomorrow they WILL be finished. The backs and binding are all together with the tops, so it should go quickly.

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