Thursday, January 31, 2019

Train quilt

I know a little two year old who is all about trains these days, so I have started a train quilt for him.

This is what I have so far...

The engine...

Some people...

Not sure what this one is...i guess one of those carriers that have liquid in them.

Looks like the coal car....

A load of dirt? .... haha

And, a load of lumber...

They are all done on the embroidery machine, with some applique.

There are 6 more cars, and some track and trees and a railroad crossing sign. Each block takes about an hour, so it will be a few days before the blocks are all finished. I like that they have the connections on each block, so each one can be connected to the one before it.

I recently bought myself a 'back up' embroidery machine, since mine is in the shop once again for repair. I got a Baby Lock Flourish II. It doesn't have all the bells and whistles that my main machine has, but it gets the job done while I wait for the other machine to be repaired. It's kind of sad to have 2 machines, but, i didn't want to be without one for several weeks. I'm an embroidery junkie. haha

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