Saturday, February 2, 2019

Blue Selvage Quilt....a pinterest pattern find

I finished piecing another blue selvage quilt. I can't seem to use up all those blue selvages.....the box isn't overstuffed any more, but there are still plenty in there.

This pattern was a pinterest find.

It took some concentration to keep things going in the proper direction

I was trying to do it with only 3 different fabrics for the half that wasn't selvages, but i didn't have enough, so it wound up being 5 different fabrics. but that's ok.....more fabric off the shelves.

The fabric fairies come in at night and add fabrics to my shelves. i swear, i find stuff that i KNOW i didn't buy and have no idea where it came from. haha

So, it's either the fairies or i'm losing my mind.....either solution is possible.

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