Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Michelle's Kitties

Thanks again, Michelle, for the kitty die. It was seriously a fun one. I have a top together....sort of... it still needs a final border. I'm trying to decide to just do the brown or something else. my choices are a bit limited.


There's one in every batch...who doesn't stay where they are supposed to.


This one dreams of being a lion


This is the mouser


This poor guy got his tail stuck in the door.


Then I had to embroider some squares....they are applique.  Cats and bags just seem to go together.


Little kitty stole a sock


The mouse looks like he is just daring the cat to come after him.


And you need a neon kitty, too. I am so proud of myself....the yarn ball was a separate design from the kitty with a piece of yarn in his mouth and i managed to get it lined up perfectly.


Little teacup kitty is just adorable.


And butterflies for the kitties to chase.


I have a few more empty blocks, but need to wait for the main embroidery machine to get back from the shop. The backup unit can't do the size i want to put in those blocks.

I better get back to my regularly scheduled programming. haha

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