Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Legacy by Ricky Tims

Another 2017 UFO finished.

Ricky put a free block out monthly....there were 20 of them.....but I got bored at 12 and quit. haha   Each block is 15"  The blocks sat around for a while and finally I pieced them together in February of this year. He calls it Legacy.


I was trying to use up some batik scraps, so it has a lot of batik in it. This block was paper pieced. Most of the blocks you made 4 sections and then sewed them together.


I believe this one was paper pieced also.


This was applique


This log cabin had pretty small logs.


The back is a piece from the thrift store....I used this for the binding also since there was enough left.


It is 54x70. Top thread is Glide Key Lime; bobbin is Bottom Line white.

I did a lot of SID, some fills here and there....some CC...and a circley kind of meander for the lime green. 
Done is good.

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