Sunday, June 30, 2019

Scrappy Hearts

I got another top pieced together. I make 6" crumb blocks constantly....trying to keep the tiny scraps down. When I got a heart die I had to make some....but with what?  So, my idea was to use some of my crumb blocks and cut out hearts.

I cut out a bunch of them...and put some on blue.

And most of them on navy.

This is the top I came up with.

I thought it needed a, what better than more crumb blocks. the heart blocks are 7" and the crumb blocks are 6", so they didn't match up exactly, but it doesn't matter to me. I used about 45 crumb blocks to make the border.

And I still have many of them left...and still many more to make. they will come in handy again one day.

This top is couch size....I have an idea of what I want to do with it.....just need to get it quilted.

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