Saturday, July 13, 2019

Selvage Surrounded Hearts

This one has been in the works way too long...started piecing November 12, 2014....finished piecing December 1, 2015.  Then it sat in the cabinet all those years. 

I had a bit of fabric with little blocks of hearts, so I cut them all apart and added selvages around them. I made 72 ten inch blocks.

Some blue...


and some brown....


It turned into a large one...90 x 100".  I didn't think i had a plan of block design, but looking at the picture, i may have. haha the brown blocks are evenly distributed and the same top and, i guess there was a plan. 


I like making these kinds of planning...just sew and sew.


There was a brown/goldish border and a blue border with brown binding.


The back is a bleached muslin. The panto I used was Featheration by Meredith England. 


Top thread was Glide Hawaiian Blue and bobbin was Bottom Line White.

I have a home picked out for it, so it won't sit in the studio. Originally, it was made for the bed in my room at my sister's house....her last house....which has my son living in it now. haha

This is also my July UFO challenge with Judy Laquidera. I got it finished pretty quickly this month. 

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