Sunday, January 12, 2020

Empty spool report for 2019

It was a slow year....haha  From July to December I emptied 41 spools

The first half of the year I emptied 51

For a grand total of 92 spools emptied in 2019.

Not my best work, but in my defense, the last 2 months of the year was spent clearing out my son's crap after he died suddenly. I hope to make better progress in 2020.

I've already emptied one spool for this year .... it's a start.

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO sorry to hear about your son. My grandmother said that was the worst pain possible, and when I imagine losing one of mine, I have to agree. It must have been so difficult at that time of year to lose him, and then have to go through his things. My sincere condolences.


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