Friday, May 1, 2020

April Green Challenge month

I had sooooo much green that I really tried to do a lot this month. I managed to do quite a few things.

I pieced Hara...which means green in India. So Preeti showed hers on her blog so that is where the pattern came from.

I saved all the pieces that were trimmed from Hara's blocks....and made a Hara Leftovers top. I will enlarge it some and use it for the back of Hara when it is quilted.

With all the green crumb blocks and crazy quilt green blocks that I pieced I made...

Green Madness I... This is 120 six inch blocks

There are HST blocks, blocks with lace and trims...

And, I still have a stack of 120 more green crumb blocks that will make Green Madness II when they are pieced.

I didn't get the 10" selvage blocks pieced into a top either. There are 71 of them.

But, I did get the strip blocks pieced into a top. I had lots and lots of green strips of various widths...that were mostly 6" long. So, I added a strip to one side to make sure I had a 6" block. The strips across the tops kind of look like a sashing row. 

And, so ends my green month of April. I did manage to use all the selvages I had....and a good portion of green scraps and bits and pieces. I have a LOT of greens. haha

May is Blue month. I'm doing something a bit different this don't want to miss it. Maybe I'll give you a peek in a day or so. I have TONS of blue selvages.

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