Sunday, May 17, 2020

Continuing blue

I'm still up to my eyeballs in blue scraps and selvages. Here is what happened the last couple of days.

May 14 ...  I made 27 Double Boxed Squares

May 15 ... was a day off from blue.....but I quilted some on the top that is on the frame .....  and embroidered some Scrabble Squares for a quilt I am making to hang in the studio.  I'm a Scrabble Junkie. haha

And I finished piecing this top. It is Balloon Animals II.  It's been sitting in a box for months, just waiting for the pieced border so I finished it up. It will get quilted in the next day or 2.

Here are a couple closeups of the blocks.

May 16 ... I made 12 more Double Boxed Squares.   I have about 20 more of these to make. Then I should have enough for a child size quilt.

I hear the blue fabrics calling me....have to get back to work.


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